Successful day collecting UNKs from old market garden areas. The photo of the cuttings is after they had a good scrub. They were filthy with mold - scale leads to massive outbreaks of sooty mold (see pics from summer). One tree I visited (no cuttings today) looks like it will die soon. In summer it was covered in scale, and now there's barely a live branch on it. I'm sharing these with a few locals here inWA and that way the trees will live on.成功的一天,从老市场花园区收集 UNK。剪裁的照片是在他们擦洗完好的后。他们肮脏的霉菌-规模导致大规模爆发煤灰霉菌(见夏天的图片)。我参观的一棵树(今天没有砍伐)看起来很快就会死掉。夏天它被规模覆盖,现在上面几乎没有一个活的树枝。我正在与华盛顿州的一些当地人分享这些,这样树木就会生存。
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